Why as society and human beings have we
preferred and accepted separate but equal for individuals with developmental disabilities? I have painfully been privy to the practice
of self contained classrooms, separate schools for children like my son and
ignorance in the community.
This has created much anxiety in me that
goes beyond any fix that may come from a pill.
As a student of life I have been forced to face the reality of “being
different” is not acceptable. In fact,
we must conform to what our immediate environment dictates us to become in
order to “get along” in society. As a
little girl I inherently was aware that mistreating a person because of their
skin color or accent was wrong. Even
though everyone around me said words that I will not repeat here when a certain
person of an ethnic background walked by and the R word often said for the kids
down the hall in school in that classroom that nobody wanted to walk by.
I volunteered much of my free time in
that classroom. I engaged in
conversations with these students. I
often wondered why the teacher was allowed to talk to them in that tone of
hers. I would observe twitches and head
swaying whenever that teacher spoke to or about the students: as if they were
less then: LESS than any of us, less
than deserving respect and kind words spoken over them.
These students were often called Retards
or Botards in my school within my circle of friends. I would correct them and tell my friends
their names and what they liked. I tried
to humanize the “special ed” students to my inner circle.
Many years later I am doing the same for
my son, Scotty. How can I humanize my
son to a society who looks at him as “less than” or not worthy of inclusion.
INCLUSION is a hot topic in
education. WHY?
I have given this much thought and cried
many tears over this. If we as parents,
students, teachers, administrators, society, human beings don’t believe that
inclusion in an educational setting from onset is not a given right for any
person born with any form of difference,
we will certainly not allow inclusion of these same people into our world.
Parents of ‘normal’ children do not want the
distraction of having any special education students in the classroom with
their child. Regular Ed teachers do not
want them in their classrooms. Let’s
face it all this back and forth re. Pros and cons of inclusion is a bunch of
Bullshit used to disguise the truth behind the mask of special education segregation.
Why is my son’s education any less important
than your child’s?
Special education should not be exclusive or a
separate entity from any school system.
All of our children need an education to help them become successful in
life. We all require some form of special
education to meet our needs as individuals.
Teachers and administration hide behind labels and claim not enough
money in the budget or not enough support systems in place to consider full
inclusion for every or any student who learns, looks, acts differently than the
expected norm.(note: I am currently studying for my doctorate in education-so I
am not just casting stones)
It is easier to hide in your own ignorance and fear
then to reach out and make a difference and change how we look at people like
my son. I am not asking for just
tolerance. We are requesting, NO
demanding full acceptance in every area of his life.
Whatever happened to the golden rule of treating
others as you wish to be treated? When
my son says HELLO to you, have the respect for him to say hello back. Being rude and unkind to people like my son
is acceptable behavior in our society even within our own families. This must stop!
It is easier for us to hide or ignore
differences. I am ashamed of so many
people when we are out in our community.
However, I am never ashamed of Scotty because he is always himself,
pure, innocent, true to who God created him to be. We ‘typical’ people would benefit from Scotty
and others like him. Living a non authentic
existence is exhausting. Scotty is
Scotty with NO apologies.
The moment we don’t question if my son deserves to
be in a ‘regular’ classroom will be the moment we start to move forward with
full inclusion into the world.
I plan to make a difference to help him be included
in this world.
NOTE: I included this picture for this piece because Scotty is fully included within the loving family of the Echelon and 30 Seconds To Mars...these men of Mars and "fans" show true acceptance and love for my son..now to get the rest of the world to follow suit!
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