Wednesday, April 24, 2013


In light of all that has been going in my life for the past several months toward my children and myself:  the rejection, disappointments, doubts, disapprovals, gossiping, judgments, criticisms, back stabbing, abandonment, lack of support and encouragement by those who are supposed to love me/us, lack of acceptance for my  Scotty and our new normal that Angelman Syndrome has brought into our lives, and downright ignorance and selfishness…I have come up with a new way to stay focused, grounded, and remember who we are..who I am…I remind myself every day that Ryan, Christopher, and Scotty are amazing and I am so proud of each one of my sons for so many reasons ..I remind myself that I am one audacious Babe..I mean an incredible woman ;)   I am a mother to 3 incredible young men, I started and run an agency that helps families with children with developmental delays, I am in school fulltime earning my Doctorate in Education, I am a published poet,
I am the sole caregiver for my Angel, I am compassionate, my heart is bigger then Texas, I will lend an ear/shoulder/heart anytime a friend needs one, If I have it: it’s yours, and I am one incredible cook and baker…oh and did I mention that 3 incredible young men love and adore me for my strength, bravery, fortitude, and my defiance against bigotry, racism, sexism, unjust behavior of any kind..that I fight for what is right, true and beautiful…I am not afraid to pray out loud…I may fall often..but I get up just as many times as I fall..I am not afraid to speak up to anyone who disrespects my children or others’ children…I am an Angel’s voice ..and will do my best to be the voice for any oppressed, abused, or mistreated person…so YEP…I like me…I love me…and I love my sons that I have devoted and dedicated every ounce of my being to raise them to be incredible men!  So my new motto is:  this is the clean version:   SCREW YOU and YAY ME!!! To anyone who fails to see the awesomeness that lies within this skin of Rita Molino-Sell

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