Thursday, July 20, 2017

Chester Bennington xo

Why we grieve the loss of an artist that we don’t know personally.  Music is a universal method of communication.  It hits us to our core.  Our souls feel at a level that otherwise we are not allowed to reach.  Those of us who feel deeply, music is our therapy.  An artist uses their emotions be it pain or joy and everything in between, it resonates within us.  It’s like our spirits are rejoicing that someone gets it, gets us.  They have felt this same pain.  Different experience, but same pain.
Music is cheaper than a psychotherapist.  We don’t need or want to be analyzed, we want to be heard and understood.  MUSIC!  It is music and the poetry of our favorite artists crying souls that reaches us on a level that nobody could ever imagine. 
Those of us who feel deeply cannot just dismiss our empathic spirits.  Creative gentle souls are suffering in this day of evil.  This day of hypocrisy.  We are mocked, ridiculed, and shunned by those who approach life on more cerebral level.  Creativity in any form is a window into our darkest areas as well as the areas we let ourselves to shine.
We carry the weight of others hurting.  If not careful, it weighs on our souls that we struggle to climb our way out of a darkness that we did not create.
 A young man of 25 has so much self-loathing, because he craves unconditional acceptance from his father.  He uses the evil of the world to set the standards for who he should be.  To be told by others to “man up” after he attempted suicide.  The pain is so palpable that to not wake up is the only solution. 
A woman whose purpose in life was to be a wife and mother to be abused and abandoned by her husband to the evil and lustfulness of the world and his own selfish desires of a perverted heart and mind.  To be mocked and shunned by those who deem her at fault for not satisfying her man.  The pain is so real that all she can do is find her reprieve at the bottom of a bottle.

A child neglected or worse abused to be allowed to grow in fear that turns to anger.  A child now an adult who doesn’t know how to let go of the shame and guilt of being unworthy of love. 
Music reaches these hurting souls.  Music has the healing power that we so desperately need.  We believe the person who wrote the poetry perfectly orchestrated with the melody understands the pain, the darkness.  There is a kinship with the creator of this music.  There is an admiration for them facing their demons even if they fail at conquering them. 
Music is our solace.  When a member of this kinship dies at their own hands because they just couldn’t face the pain another day, clashes with our hopes of defeating our own torments. 
We grieve oh so much more than their life gone too soon. 

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